Cardiopulmonary Bypass System
Terumo Cardiovascular develop and manufactures devices that circulate blood in place of the heart and lungs during cardiovascular surgery in which the heart is stopped (“on pump” surgery).
During open-heart surgery, the heart-lung machine temporarily takes over the pumping function of the heart.
An oxygenator temporarily takes over the functions of the lungs, exchanging gases including oxygen and then returning oxygenated blood back to the patient via the cardiopulmonary bypass circuit.

CAPIOX® FX Oxygenators
Integrated arterial filter with self-venting technology
- Lower priming volume, high gas exchange, and low-pressure drop are optimally balanced for superb performance
- Hollow fibers manufactured exclusively by Terumo using a patented technology means total quality management from raw materials to finished product
- Superior O2 transfer performance

CDI® Blood Parameter Monitoring System 550
The industry standard for continuous in-line blood parameter monitoring.
With the addition of in-line monitoring of oxygen delivery (DO2), CDI® Blood Parameter Monitoring System 550 provides the continuous information needed to reduce the risk of acute kidney injury, improve patient outcomes, and save hospital costs.
Real-time monitoring of DO2, one of 12 key blood parameters, provides critical information required for goal directed perfusion, helping to achieve optimal perfusion during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. User selectable limits provide alerts when values are approaching critical DO2 thresholds.
CDI System 550 offers a full range of next-generation features, including market-leading optical fluorescence technology, a high-visibility LCD screen, advanced probe design, IEC 60601-1 3rd Edition compliance, and more.
Proven technology and exceptional quality backed by Terumo’s dedicated support make the CDI System 550 the smart choice.

Terumo® Advanced Perfusion System 1
Roller Pumps
- Base- or pole-mounted pumps with rotating raceways help reduce circuit length and hemodilution.
- System supports up to eight pumps, including two centrifugal pumps.
- Users may choose 6″ or 4″ roller pumps to adapt to different protocols.
- Pumps are controlled from the speed control knob or the CCM.
- Pump status and safety messages can be viewed on both the pumps’ local controls and the CCM.
- Users may integrate up to 18 safety and monitoring modules, selecting individual responses for each, with the option of adding or changing modules as needed.
- Modules can monitor or update ultrasonic level detector (alert/alarm) and air bubble detectors; flow, pressure, and temperature sensors; electronic venous line occlude; and, interface modules for TLink™ Data Management System and CDI® Blood Parameter Monitoring System.
Central Control Monitor (CCM)
- Fast processing, high-resolution touch screen serves as both a safety monitor and as the central interface for operating the system components.
- Intuitive graphic interface helps users organize information and view current perfusion parameters on a single screen without having to look at multiple displays.
- Users can create up to 12 customized perfusion screens.
- Priority messaging area displays color-coded alarms, alerts, status, and error messages in order of priority.
- Critical patient and system information can be viewed and responded to with no more than two screen touches.
Internal Battery Backup and Power
- System comes standard with a minimum of 60 minutes of internal battery backup.

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